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Cherry Cookies

Hey everyone, Happy Summer Solstice 😍🌞 Still Cherry season over here and fruits keep popping out everywhere! Blossoming and fruiting to their ultimate potential, their ultimate sweetness after breaking their past limitations of being seeds with perceived tough obstacles ahead, mud, darkness, not knowing when that breakthough into the light is going to come, threats on the way, and then, when they breakthrough into the sunlight... storms, winds, droughts, but they are still fruiting, still going forward to their ultimate potential because the right time has come, because the right conditions to support their fruiting is there now, and there is no stopping, it's happening 😁 That is nature on Earth πŸŒ±πŸŒ³πŸŒΌπŸ’πŸ˜‹πŸ˜Ž And we are part of Nature 😊
I invite you to play a fun game 😁 that involves the Sun 🌞 At exact midday, today, June 21st wherever you are, go out in the sun and check your shadow. It will be the shortest of the year or even below you because the sun is at its highest ☀️⬇️😊 Take a photo and post it on your insta story or feed, Hashtag #summersolsticeshadow and let's see by the end of the day what we observe in the hashtag in different countries πŸ€”πŸ˜ You in? Put your Explorer Hat on πŸ”­πŸ”¬πŸ“Έ and let's have fun together today to celebrate the Summer 🌞❤️ Invite anyone on Insta who you think would love to join the celebration πŸ’•
NOTE that the true midday can be different from the clock πŸ•› because some countries change the time so keep check of the shadow, here in Montenegro true midday is at about 1pm
. . 
100g of coconut flakes
2 tbsp of coconut flour
1 handful of pitted dates
2 handfuls of cherries
In a food processor, first grind the coconut flakes into shred, then add the coconut flour and dates, continue grinding till it forms a cookie dough, then separate and open up the cookie dough with a spoon while still in the processor, add 1 handful of pitted cherries, pulse just to chop them up slightly into the dough


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